Full Contact is a fully integrated, fully relational contact manager and personal information manager (PIM). Use Full Contact to store names, addresses, phone numbers, company information, note cards, and all of your personal and business-related activities. Use the integrated word processor to create letters, envelopes, memos, and fax cover sheets complete with graphics. The built-in Auto Dialer supports calling cards, outside line prefixes and even knows when to treat a number as local or long distance. The retail version of Full Contact also includes Reminders and Alarms and a data communications terminal. You may purchase the retail version from your favorite reseller or software catalogue or directly from FIT Software by calling 800-725-3734.
• Guided Tour to Full Contact
Open this file first. This interactive movie will tell you what Full Contact is, how it is different from other contact managers, and will give you a brief overview of its features. Since the movie is interactive, you can choose which features you would like explained, and you can move as quickly or as slowly as you like.
• Sample Data File
Open this file second. When you double-click on this sample file, Full Contact™ Demo will open it. This sample database is already customized with a set of contacts, companies, and a activities. You can rearrange the data in the many SuperList™ windows by using our pre-entered Filters and Views. In this sample file, you can try out the features and techniques explained in the Guided Tour. When you are ready, you can close this file and create a brand new database of your own. The database you create will be completely compatible with Full Contact, should you decide to buy the software.
• My New Database
Open this file third. This data file has no records in it but is pre-configured with windows, filters, and views. Simply rename the file and open it to begin your own Full Contact database. Should you decide to buy Full Contact, you may continue to use this same file.
• Full Contact™ Demo
The demo program is a fully functional application except for a few limitations:
1. You can enter no more than 50 Companies, 75 Contacts, and 100 Activities.
2. You can not set or remove a password from a database.
3. You can not use the data communications terminal, unless you already have certain communications tools installed in your System folder.
• Import Maps Folder
The items in the Import Maps folder allow you to import from competing products. A separate Read Me file inside the Import Maps folder explains how to use the import maps for each product's files.
• Reviews Folder
This folder contains reviews of Full Contact in popular Macintosh publications.
General Instructions:
A picture is worth a thousand words. The Guided Tour to Full Contact will give you an overview of how the product works, as well as specific descriptions and instructions for each button and menu command. This movie will teach you 60% of what is in the manual in as little as 20 minutes.
Importing from other programs:
If you want to import from another program, use the Import Maps and instructions in the Import Maps folder to help you along. Please note, however, that the amount of data you can import is limited (see above). If you import more data than the demo will hold, you will receive an error message the next time you try to create a new record. If you have trouble using the export maps or the imported data looks different from what you expected, please call us at 408-562-5990 for assistance.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us. We are very interested in your feedback. Thanks for taking the time to look at our Demo!